Tuesday 9 December 2014

Mobile Technology: a pervasive or welcome technology ?????? 
 I have to say that me and technology are not easy bedfellows...... I use a mobile phone and have done for many years. I resisted mobile phones when they first arrived because I felt that if I needed to use the phone I could just go and find one. Looking back that is a quaint idea with no thoughts on progression. I slowly came round to the idea that mobile phones were useful. I could now get hold of family if I needed to. As mobile phones advanced I didn't adapt easily. So i'm sure you will find it easy to understand from this confession that it has taken me a while to consider mobile technology as an aid to anything. I am not a dinosaur, you may think it.... I am just a technophobe. I find new concepts frightening and difficult to remember. So being asked to use mobile technology for education on my part is not condicsive to effective and confident learning.  I have a tablet which I struggle with, a laptop that has begrudgingly become my friend and a smart phone which is the bain of my life. I have used global posistioning devices in the form of vehicle trackers in a former life (employment) and refuse point blank to use wireless credit card payment.
Within education you can use mobile devices to connect to the internet even when you are not in the learning environment. I have done this frequently and found it to be very useful it has allowed for flexibility in my education increasing convienience and efficacy of time. It has helped me engage with my learning creating a sense of student centred learning. Additionally by using mobile devices I can access the latest research, news and contact my peers for collaborative learning

However mobile technology can also be a hindrance. By storing all or indeed any of your information on a mobile device  you are assigning it to an electronic memory rather than commiting it to your own. Long live the brain.....and by that I mean mine not one made of chips....

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