Thursday 25 September 2014

Hehe I have just saved my first site to delicious. It is a good feeling. I've got a long way to go but I am starting on the techno journey.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Collaborative blog on Counselling Resource

Hi again folks,
I have been on a mission to find some blogs that may be either interesting or inspirational to the field of counselling, psychology and wellbeing. If you have read my earlier blogs you will know that this blogging lark is very new to me and trying to even search for other blogs has been a project in its own right. However I have found a blog that is jammed with interesting  articles which are, peer reviewed by a team of international academics of note such as  Dr. Greg Mulhauser , Dr. Joseph M Carver and a personal favourite and  inspiration of mine Professor Colin Feltham ; the blog is also accredited by the Health on the Net Foundation. The blog in question is Counselling Resource (Fig 1).
Fig 1.

This blog not only contains academic articles; it also covers assorted individually identified mental health topics accessed through easy to follow hyperlinks.
The blog has 8 pages: Therapy; Quizzes; Symptoms; Blog; Support our work; Find help; and research. Each of which is identifiable through page tabs. The research page contains book reviews; a resource library for psychotherapy and counselling; summaries of contemporary mental health and psychology headlines; web resources and information on clinical trials and mental health medications.
The blog is user friendly, articulate, concise. It features mental health and psychological news feeds which are updated numerous times throughout the day. The only negative thing that I can say about this site is that I have spent far more time looking at it than I actually have time to spare. This site is a labyrinth of information and genuinely useful links to other related areas of interests. The site is written using clear jargon free language making it accessible to non-professionals. It is ideal for those who are interested in finding out more about psychology and mental health issues; with links and tips to for finding counsellors and therapists.which may be suited to their own personal needs .

The site was established in 2002 but i'm sorry folks other than providing the address for it I cannot tell you who the host is i.e. blogger, tumblr etc as my techy knowledge is somewhat limited. As the title of this blog suggest this is a collaborative piece and my partner in crime for this collaboration is Bethany Elias. Beths' blog discusses the versatility and accessibility of the blog, highlighting the jargon free informative nature of the diverse range of mental health topics covered.

Until the next time folks happy reading